To Parents Who Buy Property In Lagos(Nigeria)

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    how parents can buy property

    Only Heavens knows what the “Gemstone property” name might have been if our customers hadn’t trusted the service we delivered.

    In accordance with our policy of bringing life-changing investment to the masses.

    This is why we now care about how we can change the ways consumers buy.

    The response was so enormous that we are extending the offer to property lovers.

    As you may know, a huge percentage of Nigeria’s adult population doesn’t even bother about investment.

    You may think people and other famous personalities don’t ever have to worry about investment problems.

    But, that is simply not true! in fact, quite often, they do invest more and try to build wealth extremely fast.

    Take, Paul, head pastor of the house on the rock

    Wait! did he just say 3 billion? That’s crazy.

    Sometimes investment for investors is not an option because their life depends on it.

    But, here are quick facts that could help you well:

    1. How to give yourself wealth that could bless your generations forever.
    2. A simple secret that makes it impossible for you to ever become poor again – It’s a land investment(the benefits outweigh the price you pay for).
    3. The fastest ROI ever
    4. How to give yourself assure cash flow even while you sleep.
    5. The greatest life-changing secret in the world

    Pretty amazing, don’t you think?

    Now you’re probably asking yourself why are we telling you all this?

    The answer is simple, we want you to become the next big millionaire and the first to invest in land banking in your family.

    Is that not nice?

    But to be honest, you need to know something…there’s one little catch:

    We want you to own your investment in gold

    Yes, this is your chance to invest in land banking or become the next big land investor in Nigeria in this 21 century.

    And the beauty of it is you will be able to enjoy the great out of your investment.

    What finer way to reassure a man that he will still be able to achieve financial stability and build wealth amidst the marvels of the 21st century?

    Have you tried to make honest money in property lately?

    Then, several years ago at a beach party, one of our big customers began discussing a very different and special land “money project” the secret was literally whispered across the table.

    They discussed the idea as they were driving home they decided to try it.

    The project kept them busy for about 10 hours a week.

    Obviously, this is an exceptional investment, they said. What you make will be largely up to you.

    This man bought this property when the price sells for 800,000 nairas.

    This year February, this property is selling for 7 million. mathematically, over 30% increase in ROI within 6 months.

    And this man bought 10 plots of land. Do the maths.

    Why buy this property?

    One of the great charms of Gemstone is that its environment is well suited, and blend so perfectly – beautiful and daring they are.

    This gives the property a look of maturity and safety which no other real estate development company can assure or aspire to.

    Gemstone is always safe and brilliant for investors – just as it has been since the beginning of time.


    The cost of losing out on your property is 100% untrue with “GEMSTONE”.

    This is no doubt one of the most wanted investments ever devised.

    How do we know?

    Ever since this remarkable property was made available to our prospects. We have been besieged with requests for inspection.

    Requests have come from realtors, investors, private firms, and many more.

    Buying from omolile has always been the option, but it is potentially dangerous, with cutting, high risk, and uncomfortable recovery of investment.

    Such as no valid document proof, no government approval and etc.

    This leaves highly publicized risk on your property.

    But, all that is changing. Thanks to Gemstone property.

    The reason why – GEMSTONE is Risk-Free and Reliable.

    With GEMSTONE, you have the perfect answer to the problem of keeping your investment safe.

    How to keep a foot in investment and get some protection against possible future risk.

    Over 30% return on investment in 6 months

    Before and after photos with captions are a must-have in the “GEMSTONE”  property.

    Why? It’s because;

    “6 months ago you could have bought this property for 800,000 nairas”.

    This year February, it’s selling for” 7 million nairas”.

    Just think what it will be worth 2 years from now.

    If I’d bought it back then.

    And many people still cling that buying property is permanently dead, they only made it go into a state of dormancy because they don’t know that “GEMSTONE” has changed the way consumers buy.


    When you get GEMSTONE, you get Dangote refinery and the cool breeze of the Lekki beach.

    You get the result of good living, applied with serene environment and tight security which is the pride of the house.

    It doesn’t pay to get a lesser brand that won’t give you that. You’ll quickly find that out.

    Here’s a typical mood that came from the serene environment marvel with wave water.

    You call it a beach.

    That’s done by nature. They’re a good fit for your skin taste and your comfort as a whole.

    And if your folks ever try this environment you’ll never get them back to their homes.

    This environment comes to you ready for good living and extraordinary comfort.

    You can change your mood to try out a walk-in one minute, or sit in 10 minutes. They retain the cold sensation which they bought from the environment.

    About the payment structure?

    This property is verified(approved by the government), titled(Excision). This makes it authentic to our buyers.

    Each plot of land is both 600sqm or 300sqm, enough for you to own the best investment you desire.

    The survey pattern never repeats so you will never step another man’s property sharing the same plots of land as yours.

    The payment structure for(600sqm) are as follows:

    • Outright payment (0 – 2 months) – 7,000,000
    • 3 months plan – 7,500,000 Nairas
    • 6 months plan – 8,000,000 Nairas
    • Corner plot and commercial plot attract 40% surcharge.

    The payment structure for (300sqm) are as follows:

    • Outright payment (0 – 2 months) – 3,500,000 Nairas
    • 3 months – 4,000,000 Nairas
    • 6 months plan – 4,500,000 Nairas
    • Corner plot 40% surcharge.

    And the price is likely to change soon due to the potential of the property and the demand rate.

    BENEFITS our clients need to know more:

    If you have no need for investment when you buy GEMSTONE. It gives you a rare opportunity to own something great in a big deal.

    It makes you feel special and of a higher social status.

    The cost is cheaper why because the value you get outweighs the price you pay for it.

    It is a forever investment because there’s no waste.

    It is convenient for you to have it always on hand for the future.

    If when in doubt, book for an inspection anyway because the cost for it is only free.

    The service you omit maybe just the one that can do the most for you.

    How can you go wrong at something free?

    If you prove these facts, you who buy from other real estate companies or just thinking of buying or never do will gladly change to GEMSTONE.

    Buy this extraordinary property – and let us know how quickly it brings you your next financial breakthrough “millions of Nairas”

    Gemstone will be almost a daily property to buy when you find them out. They will save a great increase on your RETURN ON INVESTMENT bills.

    How do we know?

    Because of the incredible demand for this property, our phone lines are often busy. If you call and get a busy signal.

    Please be patient and keep trying.

    You will get through soon enough.

    Can’t wait? try out this best option, sign up with our newsletter, or book for an inspection today.

    If you call after all the property is sold, all you’ll get is a simple message saying you waited too long and this offer has expired.

    So, please don’t waste a single minute.

    Be fair to yourself, sign up or book for an inspection today.